THE DEATH OF A CHAMPION. The weekend Wall Street Journal had an obituary for Eddie “Bozo” Miller. In his prime, Miller was regarded as the word’s greatest eater (see this wikipedia article). The 1981 Guiness book of records claimed that Miller had been undefeated in eating contests since 1931, resulting in a fifty-year winning streak. He was five foot seven inches tall, weighed about 300 pounds and was said to eat up to 25,000 calories a day. Some of his feats included eating 27 two pound chickens at one sitting and eating 30 pounds of elk and moose meatloaf on another occasion. The obituary reported that Miller believed he could have beaten champions from other eras. He claimed he could have beaten Diamond Jim Brady (1856 to 1917) because Brady was vulnerable in pastry eating, whereas Miller had no weaknesses. (Brady’s eating prowess is described here. He routinely ate enough for ten people and was found after death to have a stomach that was eight times as big as an average stomach). He also believed that he would have beaten the great Takeru Kobayashi, whose exploits I posted on here and here.

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