I MAKE A CLASSIC MONTY PYTHON MISTAKE. One of my favorite moments in Monty Python and the Holy Grail is when the knights arrive at the Bridge of Death ( I had forgotten the name of the bridge but this wikipedia entry refreshed my recollection): “…they arrive at the Bridge of Death and must answer three questions from the bridge-keeper to pass. Lancelot answers first and correctly, and passes on. Robin and Galahad fail to answer correctly and are thrown over the bridge….

One of the questions that is answered incorrectly by a knight is: “what is your favorite color?”

I just realized that I answered incorrectly the question “What is your favorite ice cream flavor?” The question was posed by a friend’s granddaughter for a survey for a class assignment. I named mint chocolate chip.

However, when I saw that Mary Jane and Elmer had answered “Jamoca Almond Fudge”, I realized that my favorite is Brigham’s Coffee Fudge, which I haven’t seen on sale for many years.

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