A MAP OF PANGEA. Here is a map of Pangea from the i09 website (link via Instapundit). The modern political borders help you orient yourself. Pangea apparently began to break apart about 200 million years ago. The comments ask what was happening on the other side of the earth. Apparently that was ocean—Panthalassa. This wikipedia article says that there were several other supercontinents before Pangea. This post from the eatrio site has a number of other maps of Pangea.

Kids, when I was in college, geology was considered the least demanding science course (“rocks for jocks”) at a number of colleges. It seemed staid compared with other sciences. I graduated in 1961. This wikipedia article indicates that there were breakthroughs in evidence for plate tectonic theories between the late 50’s and early 60’s (a lot more than a casual observation that the coast of South America fit neatly with the coast of Africa). The article describes the scientific work that established the theory by 1967.

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1 Response to A MAP OF PANGEA.

  1. Dick Weisfelder says:

    The problem with it is that the various continents did not have their current form then. For example, parts of the US now elevated into the Rockies by the collision with the Pacific plate were shallow seas. But the specificity helps better understand the general arrangement, even if the details of shape are somewhat spurious.

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