PICASSO, THE COMEDIAN. There is a theory that a touchstone for how you feel about twentieth century art is whether you prefer Picasso or Matisse. My brother Elmer goes with Picasso; I go with Matisse. This article is the best kind of criticism because it has changed my view of both Picasso and all of modern art–and I will enjoy them more. Derwent May says: “I think you have to see Picasso as a great comic artist.” He also says: “I find myself laughing with pleasure at [Picasso’s etchings and drawings.]” [Picasso] “was to become a master of all kinds of comedy – witty comedy, wild comedy, cruel comedy, black comedy, sad comedy and the purest wit and jest.” And May extends the argument to all of twentieth century art: “Comedy pervades the work of so many 20th-century artists that I think it will eventually be seen as the Age of Comedy in art, rather as the 18th century can now be seen as the Age of Comedy in English literature….” My reaction to this is to think: “Of course!” I think I missed seeing the comedy because the criticism of the art of the twentieth century has been so theoretical, so philosophical, so solemn. Comedy in art is undervalued just as comedy in literature is undervalued. I will allow myself to laugh with pleasure more often in museums.

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  1. Henry Nejako says:

    My favorite 21st Century artist is Salvador Dali, whose paintings range from deeply spiritual to satirically comic.

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