FRANK RAMSEY ON MAN. Frank Ramsey expressed my feelings about our lives and about literature which deals with the trivialities of human life. “Where I seem to differ from my friends is in attaching little importance to physical size. I don’t feel in the least humble before the vastness of the heavens. The stars may be large, but they cannot think or love; and these are qualities which impress me far more than size does. I take no credit for weighing nearly seventeen stone. My picture of the world is drawn in perspective, and not like a model to scale. The foreground is occupied by human beings and the stars are all as small as threepenny bits.”

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2 Responses to FRANK RAMSEY ON MAN.

  1. Nick says:

    I like that a lot. People seem to get hung up on a lot of “philosophical” things that I just don’t really seem to care about. Perhaps that’s just apathy on my part, but I do think some of the questions people ask sound a whole lot more significant than they really are.

  2. Philip says:

    This is Mary Jane. I think when we study philosophy, we are led to believe that the issues we’re exploring can actually be resolved in some meaningful way. Ultimately, it occurs to us that the issues have been springboards, to exercise our minds and imaginations; but, ultimately, so much is unknowable, we should then move on to explore and celebrate how mysterious life is. The people who keep grinding away on the rational level only. . .well, I don’t know where they get the patience for it. And this is from someone who spent years answering rhetorical questions!

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