WIFE CARRYING. Lee Bryant sent me this video of ten weird sports. I couldn’t bear to finish watching the man climbing straight up the cliff. On the other hand, the race down the hill (cheese rolling) looks like fun. I was very happy to see an actual wife carrying competition. I had read about the competitions earlier in the Wall Street Journal. The Journal said that there was a breakthrough in technique, something like the invention of the Fosbury Flop in high jumping, when it was discovered that it was a huge advantage to have the wife positioned as in the video, with her head hanging down her husband’s back. I am pleased to see that there are now competitions in the United States. Perhaps at some point there will be senior competitions.

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5 Responses to WIFE CARRYING.

  1. Lee says:

    The head-downwards technique seems to be quite treacherous when it comes time to hit the mud obstacles. Wife carrying must require both partners to have a passion for winning.

  2. Dick Weisfelder says:

    We’ll pay to have a video made of you and Mary Jane in your first competition!

  3. Nick says:

    This is good stuff, Lee.

    Supposedly at Emory there used to be a yearly event where they got an enormous ball and there would basically be a giant scrum. Students vs. Teachers and Faculty. The object was to push the ball to your respective goal, with the other team pushing the opposite direction. I think they stopped because too many people got hurt.

  4. Pingback: Pater Familias » SHEPHERDS ON STILTS.


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