WAS THE ICEMAN FROM SARDINIA? The Iceman was found in mummified condition in the Alps. He is estimated to have lived 5300 years ago. This article by Kate Wong in the Scientific American reports on a study which showed that: “Comparison of the Iceman’s genome with DNA from present-day populations linked him not to mainland European groups, but to people from the Mediterranean island of Sardinia.” The co-author of the study posits two possible explanations. First, during the past [10,000] years some people with a genetic constitution similar to [the] Iceman’s colonized Sardinia. Second, “the Iceman’s parents may have have traveled to the mainland from Sardinia.” I sent the family the article about the Iceman, and Annalisa replied: “What a cool article! I enjoyed the theories about the Iceman’s Sardinian heritage and what it could mean for the population migration. I love this stuff.”

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