INTELLECTUAL BATTLES WITH SQUIRRELS. I resist the tendency to underappreciate squirrels and blue jays because of past failures at feeding small birds at bird feeders. Mary Jane also remembers with amusement my paranoia that hidden squirrels were watching when I planted tulips and crocus bulbs. This article about the resourcefulness of squirrels by Natalie Angier tells me what I was up against. It describes a squirrel who waited at a crosswalk until humans were crossing before venturing into the road. It also describes how squirrels go about burying seeds. They will dig up and rebury a seed elsewhere as many as five times in case another squirrel was watching the first time (or later times). They will also dig a hole and pretend to be burying a seed while keeping the seed hidden in their mouth. Maybe I should try something like that if I plant bulbs again.

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