“…PAINTING THEMSELVES BLUE…” In addition to my mother’s Danish ancestors, I have my father’s Irish ancestors. One day when my daughter Annalisa was four, she greeted me at the door. She was very excited. “Remember, Daddy,” she said. “Remember when your ancestors were painting themselves blue and Mommy’s ancestors ruled the world.”

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  1. Dick Weisfelder says:

    Phil’s ancestors sound very modern, given all the multi-color body decorations we see today

  2. Mary Jane Schaefer says:

    When Kirsten and Tori were little, and Grandma Schaefer was visiting them, Kirsten asked her mother if she had any pioneer clothes she could bring/wear to school for pioneer day. Mary exclaimed, “I don’t have pioneer clothes. How old do you think I am?” Kirsten digested this and then approached Grandma and said, “Grandma, Mommy doesn’t have any pioneer clothes. Could we borrow yours?”

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