THE GLAMOUR OF “STANISLAVSKY AND SOCIAL PROTEST.” In TIMEBENDS Arthur Miller refers to “that thirties mixture of Stanislavsky and social protest which was the real glamour to me.” I think that it is the Stanislavsky part of the mixture that Als forgets. Miller saw ALL MY SONS in terms of the repressed emotions and guilt that Stanislavsky’s methods could show. He applauded the original casting of Ed Begley as Keller in ALL MY SONS “because he was a reformed alcoholic and still carried the alcoholic’s guilt. Keller is of course a guilty man, although not an alcoholic; thus traits could be matched while their causes were completely unrelated.” Miller justifies a plot twist in ALL MY SONS that was attacked as involving implausible coincidence on the grounds that the plot twist has meaning in terms of the emotions in the play. It symbolizes “the return of the repressed.”

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