HOW I READ THE NEWS. The front page of Yahoo news has been my home page for a long time in internet years. I really don’t like the latest revision, and that dislike highlights for me how different the way I read the news is from the way that Yahoo wants me to read the news. Yahoo has apparently used what they know about what I look at on the internet to send me articles they think I want to look at rather than posting articles selected to be of general interest to all readers—the way that newspapers have composed their front pages for a long time. Yahoo has correctly noted, for example, that I look at sport stories and that I am particularly interested in stories about the Chicago White Sox and the Green Bay Packers. However, if I want to read stories about the White Sox and the Packers, I know how to find them. And some of the articles that are selected for me are bizarre choices, probably based on some key word match.

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