HEGEL—:THE FATHER OF ALL PSEUDOTHINKERS”? From time to time, I mention my lack of aptitude for philosophy. I am grateful to Nassim Nicholas Taub for this quotation from Hegel (quoted in FOOLED BY RANDOMNESS):
“Sound is the change in the specific condition of segregation of the material parts, and in the negation of this condition; merely an abstract or an ideal ideality, as it were, of that specification. But this change, accordingly, is itself immediately the negation of the material specific subsistence; which is, therefore, real ideality of specific gravity and cohesion, i.e.—heat. The heating up of sounding bodies, just as of beaten and or rubbed ones, is the appearance of heat, originating conceptually together with sound.”
Taub gave the title of “Hegel—the Father of all Pseudothinkers” to this subsection of his book.