MARCH 18, 1988. I kept a journal in 1988. Annalisa has been reading it, and authorized me to post the entry of March 18, 1988. (At the date, Annalisa was three and a half years old, and Nick was six months old.)
[Mary Jane wrote the first part of the March 18 entry.]: “Daddy and Annalisa were playing the game of naming opposites. She was getting a little cranky. Daddy said, ‘What is the opposite of contrary?’ Mommy said, ‘Agreeable.’ Annalisa said, ‘No, it’s not.'”
[I finished the entry]: “Annalisa to Mary Jane: ‘I love you, Mommy. Thank you for being so nice to me.’ Nick does ‘laps’ in his crib by crawling to an end and turning around.'”