THE BURIAL MOUNDS AT STONEHENGE. In his article, Lidz points out that: “At Stonehenge, the most comprehensive underground analysis yet undertaken of the Neolithic site found evidence of 17 previously unknown wooden or stone shrines and dozens of massive prehistoric pits, some of which seem to form astronomic alignments.” Lidz quotes one of the lead archaeologists at Carnuntum, Wolfgang Neubauer, about his earlier work at Stonehenge: “Stonehenge is more or less at the bottom of a really big national arena….Along the horizon, dozens of burial mounds look down at the stones.”

Although I have posted on new discoveries at Stonehenge, I had not noticed any connection being made between what is below the surface and what is on the surface. I am pleased to have the burial mounds at Stonehenge mentioned. In her comment on this post Annalisa said that when she was at Stonehenge: “I burned with the question, ‘Why have they not excavated these mounds?'” Apparently the mounds which look down at the stones have still not yet been dug up.

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