THE THIRD PLAY OF MARY JANE’S SHAKESPEARE TRILOGY. Shakespeare and the Heart’s Desire, the third play in Mary Jane’s Shakespeare trilogy, will be given a reading at the Darien Arts Center on Saturday February 27. This is how Mary Jane describes the play here on her blog, Schaefer on Shakespeare:

“The play tells the story of an amazing and true event in Shakespeare’s life, his dangerous involvement in a plot to pull Queen Elizabeth the First off the throne of England. How can this be our gentle Shakespeare? Was he not content to enjoy his success at the Globe Theatre, and to present his plays at Court for the Queen? Why in the world would a man who had won such great success risk everything: his life and fortune, along with those of his Company and his family? Many of the play’s events are based on historical records; the rest provide an answer to that basic question: why did Shakespeare do it, and the question that immediately follows: how did he escape unscathed after abetting High Treason? This play follows the thread through a web of love and intrigue to answer these questions.”

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