IAGO AS A SEDUCER. The digital view of Othello also raises the possibility that Iago can be played as literally an attempted seducer with a homosexual attachment to Othello. The wikipedia article on Iago says that some critics thought that Kenneth Branagh played Iago as homosexual. Branagh’s response was that: “I had no consciousness of doing that at all, but I did play as though he loved Othello. But I don’t mean in a sexual sense.” And this review by Christopher Bray of terry Coleman’s biography OLIVIER retells a theater story: “Researching the part of Iago, Olivier had a chat with Freud’s biographer, Dr Ernest Jones, who told him he was playing a homosexual. At the next rehearsal, Olivier surprised Ralph Richardson’s Othello by kissing him on the lips.”

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1 Response to IAGO AS A SEDUCER.

  1. Poor Ralph Richardson! Well, if anybody could cope with Olivier and his theatrics, it was Richardson. Now I don’t feel quite so sorry for Olivier when Dustin Hoffman put him through all his nonsense.

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