THE WIENERMOBILE—DOES DAVE BARRY HAVE AN ALIBI? You have probably seen this article (with picture) about a Wienermobile which crashed into a house and damaged it. The Weinermobile played an important role in our family life. When our kids were young, Dave Barry wrote an article about how he had been assigned to write a story about the Weinermobile. He drove to his son’s junior high school and called over the loudspeaker for his son to report to the Weinermobile. A visit to Google confirmed that this is a cherished moment in American life. Here is a picture from Dave Barry’s blog of father and son, with a statement that the son claims to have forgiven his father. In our family, the article went on our refrigerator because of a sentence in the article which announced that it was the duty and privilege of a parent to humiliate an adolescent. The article disappeared from the refrigerator pretty quickly, but the thought lingers for Mary Jane and me, if not as a precept, then as a comfort when embarrassing events occur.

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