GERALD FORD—EX-MID. Calvin Trillin once wrote an article about two kinds of transplanted Midwesterners and used Gerald Ford and Thomas Dewey to illustrate the difference. Both were from Michigan, had spent a lot of time in the East and were very successful. Trillin called them both “ex-Mids”, short for “ex–Mid westerners.” The difference for Trillin was that Dewey was the kind of ex-Mid that preferred to be thought of as an Easterner while Ford would have been embarrassed if anybody thought he had gone Eastern. I am the Gerald Ford kind of Ex-Mid.

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4 Responses to GERALD FORD–EX-MID

  1. Griff says:

    I’ve searched high and low for that Trillin piece for years now. A friend sent it to me when it came out (I suppose in the 70’s), but I lost it and web searches don’t help. Any idea where it might be found?

  2. Philip says:

    I responded by e mail, but I should take this opportunity to use this reply feature for the first time. I recall the Trillin article as being in a New York Times op ed in the seventies, but I don’t have a copy. I can’t find it with Google either.

  3. Pingback: Pater Familias » T.S. ELIOT— EX-MID

  4. Pingback: EX-MIDS REVISITED. | Pater Familias

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